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n2mad is a b0y

n0mad's picture

ThanX t0 MRS n0mad c0uldn’t have d0ne it with0ut U, well I c0uld 0f, but it w0uld 0f hurt….

Well time t0 start researching sum MEGA LEG0 builds and get sum leg0 games me thinks….

Smiling and still smiling….


Robag's picture

well done mrs n0mad

Much love to The fam
Viva Team IPX

N0mad Jr rocks


chipper's picture


Best wishes to the family n0mad. I hope he sleeps well and is kind to your sleep patterns :)

Kazozza's picture


Awesome news! Congrats to you and the family. +1 for sleep deprivation =D

linuxslacker's picture


there goes your sleeping + gaming life nomad congrats :) and remember the lego is for the small kid not the big one :)

Fuzz's picture


That’s great news. Enjoy this special time around your ever growing family!!

Kazashi's picture


Well done to all involved, big shout out to Mrs. n0mad for all her hard work.

Sha8doW's picture

the curse

of a boy is placed upon another… id say congratulations, but im too busy fighting my two to get them to

I must say tho buddy… i all seriousness, he looks just like you!

(congrats to you and the family)

PerfectSanga's picture


Best wishes to your family and yourself n0mad (:

ltmon's picture


Congrats mate. Hopefully I can get down the peninsula one day soon to say hi.

Somtin's picture

Well how did that happen?

Congrats man, hope all is healthy in the n_mad household

Microman's picture

Best wishes

Congratulations, n0mad! Best wishes for the years ahead :-)

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